Department of Environmental Protection

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Investment Tracker

N/A indicates programs where job creation was not the basis for funding.
All of the projects reported are Contract executed and Loans closed.
*Currently, DEP’s Investment Tracker is only displaying information for grants awarded using the Electronic Single Application system.
Dates of inclusion in this system will vary by grant program. Historic data for all awards not contained in this current report will be added in the near future.

1. Select a Site Location:
Choose a County
* - Contracts for Statewide Activity

2. Select a Program: Choose a single program

3. Select Approved Date Range
example date format (mm/dd/yyyy)
If you use the "Date Filter" in the reports as your Search Criteria, the data displayed will be contracts/loans that have been "Executed/Closed"
Start Date: End Date: 

4. Enter an Applicant Name: If you are seeking information about a specific applicant, please enter the name of the applicant below.

5. Enter Project Name If you are seeking information about a specific project, please enter the name of the Project below.

Number of Row(s) * MAX NUMBER OF ROWS 200